Celebrating 100 Years: 1919 – 2019

To the thousands of families in the small towns of Western Canada, the Eaton mail order catalogue system gave life. The two buildings (in which you are standing in right now) housed horse stables, service facilities and shipped everything from soap to pre-fab houses across Western Canada. The main floor was also used to display new, industrial equipment such as farm machinery and vehicles.
1976 - 1999 • EATON PLACE
In 1976, Eaton’s announced plans to convert the catalogue building into a $30 million multi-purpose shopping mall, indoor parking facility and office complex. This was also the time that the indoor skywalk over Graham Avenue was built to connect to the main store. Eaton Place officially opened in October 1979.
1999 - present • CITYPLACE
As a result of the closure of Eaton’s department store, Eaton Place changed names to Cityplace, and is the mall you see now. Renovations and updates were completed in 2015.
I worked at Eaton’s catalogue for 3 of its final years. The main floor was a thrifty shopper’s haven! It’s unbelievable transformation into Eaton’s Place made my head spin — it’s now a joy to enter with the smell of fresh brewed coffee and books at Coles. Love the summer markets and live entertainment. – CD
I remember when Cityplace was originally Eaton’s Mail Order and Office Building. You would walk in just past the elevator to line up to place your orders or to pick up your packages. At the back of the room was a little John Deer Tractor (that was at least 6 feet tall). Just past the Mail Order room was the Sale/Bargain Area where you could buy factory seconds and other sale items. – AT
I grew up going to Eaton Place! I loved it there! So many things! Christmas shopping wasn’t the same without going there and I loved the stores! I remember when I had my son in 1993 I walked the skywalks with him for our outings since it was too cold to go outside and we always got lunch there. So many happy memories! – VH
I loved when I used to work in the office tower….I would shop at Ricki’s on my lunch break (I was there so often that I always had a change room with my name on it). Also Mmmmuffins on coffee breaks! – KD
I used to work at the downtown library and on our breaks we would walk over to the food court at Eaton Place. We were so happy when McDonald’s came to the food court but my favourite was Taco Time. I also remember going to see a movie there in the super tiny theatre. – SH
Lots of memories from the 60’s to now. My Mom would bring me to the Eaton’s mail order picking out knitting material. As I grew older, I would go downtown with a sibling and check out the great stores in Eaton Place. Then I moved downtown when I was old enough, and enjoyed having all the conveniences in walking distance. I worked in the offices in CityPlace for 7 years and spent a lot of time wandering around the shops and enjoyed lunch in the food court. Now I am retired, but still meet friends at Boston Pizza before heading to a concert at the arena. A big part of my life experiences. – LS
I remember ordering from Eatons Catalogue and picking up my order there after I traveled from up North. I thought that was really cool! – LH
My first job when I moved to the city was at Ideal Donuts, located where Tim Hortons is now. The movie theater, shopping in Eatons, Ricki’s, Mr. Green Jean’s, the people at the shoe repair spot. Many people with fascinating 80s hairdos and clothing!! Oh and of course Richard one of the cleaners! So many memories … – GT
I’d come from Thompson to visit and this area was the centre of my shopping extravaganza. Now I work downtown and I’ve watched it evolve into a hub for concerts, NHL games and other events.- BD
I had my first “real job” working for MPI as a summer student. I felt so grown up working in Cityplace downtown. – NB
My granny and grandpa always took me to Cityplace to go shopping, go eat or just walk around. I remember my granny was so excited when the Young and the Restless actors came to Winnipeg to meet fans and sign autographs. – NW
Eaton Place was the place to be when I was a teenager. We lived out of town but my parents frequently drove to the city from Pinawa so of course it was always an opportunity for my friends and sister to go. They often dropped us at Garden City and we took the bus downtown and mom and dad would pick us up later at Eaton Place. The theatre was incredible. To many memories. I find myself 35 years later coming there and rediscovering it thanks to the Farmers Market. – JO